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The Law Report: Reforming sexual assault law in Australia

Women’s Legal Service WA’s CEO Jennie Gray joined this week’s The Law Report on ABC Radio National where the conversation was about much needed reforms to sexual violence in Australia.

The interview was hosted by internationally renowned author (and previously human rights lawyer) Suzie Miller, whose text Prima Facie has proved incredibly important for raising awareness about the barriers to justice that victim survivors of sexual violence experience. We see the abuses in the system that women encounter every day.

Other guests on the show included:
Dr Julia Quilter, Professor of Law, University of Wollongong
Marcia Neave, Commissioner, Australian Law Reform Commission
Justice Jennifer Coate, Acting Chair of the Victorian Law Reform Commission

You can listen to the episode of Law Report here: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/lawreport/reform-sexual-assault-law/104072476

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