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We provide free legal advice for women in Western Australia.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Review

As a legal service provider, WLCWA lawyers and staff are experienced in assisting women from all walks of life, all ages and from diverse cultural and linguistic communities from all areas of Western Australia. While based in Perth, WLCWA assists women from all over Western Australia including outreach services delivered in self-managed remote Aboriginal communities across the WA and Northern Territory borders and in partnership with Relationships Australia WA to operate Djinda Services (the Perth Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Service).

We see firsthand how the criminal injury compensation system is difficult to navigate for women who have experienced family violence and who continue to experience trauma, who have complex needs and those who can’t afford legal representation.

Our submission focuses on the aspects of the current CIC system which we consider creates barriers to vulnerable women  and reflects what we have observed in practice.

WLCWA Criminal Injuries Compensation Submission

Posted in Submissions