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We provide free legal advice for women in Western Australia.

The Poster Project

Women’s Legal Service WA has co-designed and produced community education posters, aimed at debunking myths commonly used by perpetrators to prevent women leaving an abusive relationship, and hard copies are available for services, organisations, and places.

Victim’s fear of the adverse outcomes of fleeing or reporting abuse is exacerbated for those women who are socially, culturally, and economically isolated. This includes women who live in rural and regional areas, women from CaLD backgrounds, and who speak English as a second or third language, and women living in Australia on a temporary visa.

The myths on the poster have been translated into Arabic, Farsi, Punjabi, and Vietnamese.

The QR code scans to the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing directory. And there is a space on the poster to add contact details of local services as needed.

The posters are printed on quality recycled paper with a satin finish and come in two sizes, A2 and A3.

To receive posters, free of charge, please email info@wlswa.org.au with your quantity preferences.

You can also find a PDF copy here WLSWA Poster Project 2022

This resource was made possible thanks to Grants for Women, WA Department of Communities.