WLSWA Safety Planning Guide
This information guide is designed to assist you with preparing your own Safety Plan.
It is not intended to be legal advice and is provided as general information only.
We strongly recommend you seek legal advice if you have any questions about any legal issues. Further information on how to do this is at the end of this guide.
In preparing this guide, Women’s Legal Service WA referred to many resources available online, and wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by those.
For a separate contained Safety Plan which can be printed or used electronically, click on this link: Safety Plan
WLSWA Divorce Guide
This is a practical guide developed by Women’s Legal Service WA (WLSWA) to assist women who are seeking assistance on their family law (divorce) matter to understand their rights and answer commonly asked questions about the court process.
This guide is intended to provide information only.
If you have any queries in relation to how the information relates to your situation, we strongly suggest you obtain independent legal advice (as early as possible as there are limitation dates which may apply).
WLSWA can provide women who are experiencing financial disadvantage with legal advice about divorce. Contact us to request an appointment.
WLSWA Criminal Injuries Compensation Guide
This is a practical guide developed by Women’s Legal Service WA to assist women who have experienced injury as a result of a criminal offence understand their legal rights and how to apply for criminal injures compensation in WA.
This is intended to provide information only.
If you have any queries in relation to how the information relates to your situation, we strongly suggest you obtain independent legal advice (as early as possible as there are limitation dates which may apply).
WLSWA wishes to acknowledge the CIC Manual prepared and published by Legal Aid WA and Fremantle Community Legal Centre which is a valuable resource and which assisted WLSWA when preparing this Guide.
WLSWA Parenting Plans and Consent Orders Workbook
This is a workbook developed by Women’s Legal Service WA to assist parents and carers of children negotiate and document care arrangements for children after separation.
This workbook is intended to provide information only. If you have any doubts about whether a proposed care arrangement is safe or suitable for your children, we strongly suggest you seek independent legal advice before signing any document.
This workbook is not suitable for families where there is (or a risk of) family violence or abuse to a parent, carer or any risk to the safety or well-being of the children. If you have concerns about these issues, please seek legal advice.
WLSWA Mediation Guide
This is a practical guide developed by Women’s Legal Service WA to assist women with family law matters to prepare for mediation, understand their rights and answer commonly asked questions about the mediation process for family law matters.
This guide is intended to provide information only.
If you have any queries in relation to how the information relates to your situation, we strongly suggest you obtain independent legal advice (as early as possible).
WLSWA can provide women who are experiencing financial disadvantage with legal advice about mediation or family law property settlement entitlements through our Legal Clinic. Contact us to request an appointment.