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We provide free legal advice for women in Western Australia.

Media Release – August 2020


Women’s Legal Service WA (WLSWA) is delighted to announce the formation of a two-year partnership with BHP to deliver a pilot program in the Pilbara.

The venture comes at a time when family and domestic violence as a result of COVID-19 is on a significant rise, with Western Australia experiencing one of the highest reported rates in the country.

WLSWA Board Chair Zoe Henham says it is a challenging time for the organisation given the current environment, but welcomes the new initiative with BHP, which includes a state-wide telephone service, virtual office, community legal education and the services of a duty lawyer.

“The effect of this partnership is that WLSWA will extend its vital legal resources to women across Western Australia, providing them with free legal advice in the areas of family law, family violence, protection and care of children and criminal injuries compensation”, said Ms Henham.

WLSWA CEO Dr Gillian Booth-Yudelman believes that Family and Domestic Violence services are vital in the region, as often the tyranny of distance hampers women from accessing appropriate legal support and advice.

“Women in rural and regional areas have extremely limited access to generalist legal and support services. We know their outcomes will be better and therefore their families, and communities stronger if they access dedicated trauma informed, gender specific and culturally appropriate services. WLSWA is a state-wide service that can fill this unique and urgent need,” said Dr Booth-Yudelman.

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